Sunday, January 13, 2008


So Happy Late New Year to everyone! As I said to begin with, this site will NOT be a daily update, but I will do my best to keep you all abreast on the REALLY important stuff! So let's update!

To begin with, Deer Season is ALMOST OVER!!!! WHOO HOO!!!! Well that's how I feel anyway, but lucky for my blessed-in-so-many-ways husband, I will be out of town the entire last week of deer season and he can move into the woods and not hear the first PEEP about staying there!!! So good for him! Side note: please pray that "the Monster" is harvested while I am gone so that this deer season may end on a BANG and I don't have to hear about "prep work for next season" for an entire year! God Bless his Soul!

Work at FCC Yazoo City is still going strong for Jayson. He was in training last week, which meant that he got to go into work at 7:30 am, which meant that I got to SLEEP until at least 6:15 am. Now for those who are first timers with us, Jayson typically has to be at work at 6:00 am, which means that WE get up around 4:5o am.....NO FUN FOR THOSE OF US WHOSE OFFICES ARE 12 FEET FROM THE BED!!!!! But we do usually get to enjoy breakfast together so there's a perk!

As for me, I am about to embark on a "season" of my own....that would be "busy season", to be officially kicked off when I go to Phoenix on the 25th for a week for our National Sales Conference! Fashion shows of all the new products, detailed meetings with the designer, and so much more!!! It's a lot to take in, but so much fun. Then I return home to 250 emails and 17 phone messages from those who do not much understand the concept of voicemail (namely when one should and shouldn't speak), and get to handle all that fun stuff. I am already setting appointments and my life officially ends this year on February 18, the day of my first appointment. If I am lucky, I may get to speak to all of you in more than monosyllabic grunts and moans around say July.....all I'm saying is that while I LOVE LOVE LOVE MY JOB (and I got a raise this year, go me!), the Spring makes me feel the need for a few good stiff drinks on a regular basis! But I have WONDERFUL customers (for the most part) and count my blessings DAILY that I got the job I always wanted!

As for the next question I get about 6 times a week, we are not planning on starting a family anytime soon, and the dogs are great! They love their lives, too!

Our first Christmas together was successful! We managed to spend time with both sides of the family all on Christmas Day, and everyone behaved! What more could you ask for?!?

So that wraps up this briefing! If I left anything out that was too critically important, maybe I'll remember it in July when I get to communicate with society again regarding topics other than synthetic fabrics, pom poms, shoes!

Lots of love,
Mary Barton and Jayson
(and Ruger and Drake)