Friday, August 22, 2008

Newest News...however small it may be!

So this marks my whopping 4th blog of the year! And for those of you smirking at home thinking I have all this time to send updates, you are right/wrong. My time at home has been spent staring at the computer searching for new customers and new trucks, but more about that in a minute. Ya'll all know me well enough to know that I stack a million things on my plate and the do them all on the same day. Have been this way since I was 16, nothing has changed. So deal with it! Thanks for the patience and let's continue.

Ok, first the big stuff! I have officially hit my sales goal for the year (YAY!) and now I can really work hard to not sell anymore because then my goal for NEXT year will go up over what my final total is for '08 and I don't need ANYTHING else to stress over! So I'm going to just "check" on customers for the rest of the year and spend as much time possible praising God for the wonderful year I got accomplished in 8 months!

With this goal accomplished, we had to move on to bigger and better things. Jayson's truck AKA Big Red Fred just had to go....according to him....because he's had it for 8 years. Keep in mind it still works beautifully and is paid for, but he needed a new one. So it now becomes my job to scour the country (literally) to find THE truck. This truck must meet more criteria than anyone ever thought they had to me to qualify for any kind of loan, job, investigation, reward redemption or admittance into the pearly gates...ok well that's a stretch, but he was SPECIFIC to say the least. After 8 long weeks of prayer, attempting to sell Fred, saving, sitting at home staring at one another b/c we were saving and couldn't afford to go ANYWHERE, God opened our window and Jayson found THE truck in Texas. We purchased it off Ebay and I will say that with all control I have (and ya'll know I like to have ALL of it!) I will not go to another car dealership ever! Internet is the way to go! EASY and STRESS FREE! The new truck is making him happy as of today and all is as it should be!

Next news: Babies EVERYWHERE!!! Not here, but everyone has been super busy lately making sure that the earth's population stays up! So exciting though! Kristen and Ben welcomed Mary Hogan on the 8th! Hays and Monica brought Payton here on the 19th! Lacey and Jason Cox are expecting Joley Kerrington in November, Laura and Matt King are expecting Prather in January, Victoria and TJ Kilpatrick are having a girl soon!!! It's something in the water! I am really trying to make sure that my water comes straight from the store and is bottled! While I KNOW and BELIEVE that children are a blessing, we just are not ready on SO many levels! God will let us know when we are ready!

As of today, everyone's health is great! Trisha and David are keeping busy with Hank "aka mini horse" and Bose the dog. Below are the photos from Mama's recent birthday celebration for Hank and Bose's St. Paddy's Day out fit.

You can tell they love life!

Well I guess that's all for now! I am off to my weekly job of yard work and will also pressure wash our house today since we are where dirt dobbers from 10 counties assemble for their family reunion. With gas going down , I plan to be making trips to catch up with friends who I have neglected (Renee, Paige, everyone else you know who you are!) Love all of you and hope to see you soon!

Lots of love,
Mary Barton and Jayson