Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Catching Up...and our breaths!

So it's been the known 4 months since I was able to give ANYONE including my family any of my time! "Busy Season" is creeping to a close and it couldn't be any sooner! I love my job, and for the most part, my customers are WONDERFUL. However, gas at $3.75 a gallon doesn't help me love it! But so far sales are good and where they should be, so I can only be greatful!

Jayson has been the most patient wife through all of this! While we did have to learn just what these little "lists that I leave around" are for, it didn't take long, and I often came home at 11:00 pm or later to a clean kitchen, no dishes in the sink, laundry done, dogs fed, and (usually) shoes picked up out of the den floor. He truly is one in a million!

Well the first question I am often asked as my year winds down is, "What was the most cultural sounding name you had this year?". While it doesn't even compare to Deflynneequiannah, the 2008 award (so far) has to go to LaJaszzmynne. I don't know why duplicating letters makes it more eloquent, but that's their name and not mine!

Everyone is having all the spring/summer babies at the same time! Etta and Wayne welcomed Clayton Cole yesterday. Meredith and Jason welcomed Michael and Patrick in March. Mary Hogan will be coming to Ben and Kristen in April. Jason and Misty will bring Hayden home in June. And Baby Luke should be arriving at the Pratt Home any day! So many fun babies to play with!

I almost get a summer in just a few weeks! For me this means actually getting to sleep some at night and most importantly having my evenings free to watch The Bachelorette on Monday's and So You Think You Can Dance?! I cannot wait. Neither can Jayson....he'll learn to love it!

Rachel finishes up at Hurh Skool in August and she is more than ready! We are all so proud of her for following her passion and stopping at nothing to acheieve her goals! She real good at hurh, too, so ya'll should give her a shout!

Well I have no pictures to post, becuase most of the people I have seen in the past few months have been customers, and it would be kind of creepy for me to take their pictures! But with all we can, we plan to spend summer outside, on the river, at the pool, in the yard, and just RELAXING! Hope you do the same!

Much love,
Mary Barton and Jayson